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Prizes > Boutique Tombolas Jewelry > Sweepstake a Pair of Indian Feather Earrings
Prizes > Boutique Tombolas Jewelry > Sweepstake a Pair of Indian Feather Earrings
Please note from Sweepstakes , the Sweepstakes generate a 3% non-refundable fee (whether you win the Sweepstake or not)!
Holders of Dreambox and DreamCard Gold and Diamond DreamCard Gold are not affected by these charges!
23 900 MadPoints
the Ticket
Sweepstakes : 717 MadPoints
Buy a ticket!

Description : Ces boucles d'oreilles indiennes en plumes sont des accessoires bohémiens parfaits pour les femmes. Elles sont ornées de pompons tissés à la main et de plumes de paon, leur donnant un asp
Number of Winners :one Winner per draw
Draw date :13/02/2025 23:59:59
Total number of applications :109
Your number of requests:0

How does it work?
1. You validate your request.
2. Your MadPoints are debited from your account.
3. Your fee for this Sweepstake is 717 MadPoints .
4. If you are drawn, you win the prize!
5. If you are not drawn, you are reimbursed the Cost of the Sweepstake (apart from the Fees), i.e. 23,900 MadPoints !
6. You can only get one ticket for each Sweepstake.

Tip :
- Check your mailing address to receive your prize!

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